Thursday, May 12, 2016

Smith Rock 50k

2015 was the toughest year ever in my life. My wife passed away in February, both my cats died, and  in November,  I rehomed my girls (dogs) after months of figuring out what was best for them. I felt I needed something to keep me busy, a goal, I thought a running goal. I decided to sign up for a 50k to run close to my birthday and local to keep my cost down.
In January,  the training started. I had ran 5 marathons and wanted to do an ultramarathon. The training schedule I planned to use, was for a marathoner.  I hadn't run a marathon or even a half marathon since September 2014. I've just been running 3 to 6 miles 2 to 4 days a weeks. It took me a few weeks of training to catch up to the training distances and running 5 days a week. Getting up at 4am to get my hour or hour and a half run before work, weekends planned around my long runs on Saturdays and Sundays made life full and not much left to do. Early March,  my first 20 miler was a tough one. 20 miles in itself are tough, but this was just one four 20+ milers on the schedule. 
April was the big push to get up to the mileage I needed to feel good about finishing my 50k.  A 24 miler and a 26 miler within 2 weeks! Crazy! The 24 miler, I felt good. Had a good pace and finished stronger. The 26 miler was a little tougher, because I had been sick the week before. I had a 101 temperature and just feeling tired, I almost opted out to run it. But I decided to run it and knew if I had to stop, I had a friend who would come and get me. The run was slow and steady, until mile 17. I knew I was done at that mark, but stubborn me, went on to finish the 26 miles. During these last few weeks, I found a lump in my upper inside right leg. Went to the doctor and he thought it was a swollen lymph node and told me to come back in 3 months or if it changes at all.  This was heavy on my mind the weeks before the race and I worried if I should even do it. I put in too much time and effort to not run it though.

Race day. 

I woke up at 4:45 that morning to eat a good breakfast 3 hours before the gun. Had a cup of coffee and off I was to Smith Rock.  I felt I did well during the week to prep well as far as eating enough carbs and drinking fluids. All the training and preparing was done. Time before the race, I tried to stay calm and relaxed. 

Starter got us going and we're off...very slow at the start, too many runners cramming through the start gate. We ran down to the river trail, lining up for the long run. I kept telling myself to go slow, never mind people passing you. I'm racing to finish and not to beat anyone. The run along the river was a good time to get settled in, see how the running belt with all it bottles and food was going to feel. I felt really good as we got close to the first big climb, Summit trail. As the first good hill on trail came, people started walking. Even if you wanted to run, there were too many people to pass. As part of the climb leveled off, everyone started running again. I passed a few people at the switchbacks and felt good at the top of Burma Road.  From there, we headed northeast on a fairly level, then slightly down hill trail. My pace was good. I got around a couple runners just before the first aid station, mile 7.4. M&Ms Oreos, gratoraid,  you name it, they had it at the aid stations. I quickly filled to bottles, grabbed an Oreo, and kept going. The run between the first and second aid station was mostly down hill. I ran most of the way till just before the second aid station,  which was a little up hill, and felt a good time to rest. Aid station 2, 12 miles, I just ate a Clif bars, so just filled my bottles and left. Back uphill we went. Just enough up to keep me from running all the time. About mile 15.4, we came to a brutal up hill slope. Pushing my hands on my knees, I was able to not stop and pass a couple runners. The course wasn't done with the brutal hills yet, another mile or so up and then finally a break to the 3rd aid station, mile 19. The whole time the course challenged us, rocks, uneven terrain,  animal footprints,  you had to constantly watch each step the whole way.
3rd aid station,  filled all my bottles, had some Coke and watermelon and off again. Felt good at this point,vtired, but good. About mile 20, there was a branch on the road, I quickly jump over and kept going. About a tenth of a mile, a lady on a horse told me I missed the turn. Crap!!!! Quickly, turned around and headed back to the course. Thankfully,  I was only a tenth of a mile off. I could've easily went way off course. Thank you horsewoman!
I found the trail and followed a runner for a while. We see sawed back and forth, till he just stopped. I knew I just needed to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Mile 22 to mile 26 was uphill, with very few level places.  I tried run a little,  but knew I was better off with a fast paced walk. More runners in front of me just stopped and rested. I couldn't get myself to do that. As I reached the 4th and final aid station, mile 26, I was beat, tired, whipped. I stopped and filled my bottles and kept going. 5 miles to go! I felt at this point, I could finish.  I ran and walked till I reached top of Burma Road,  mile 29. Dang. As I head down Burma Road,  I felt how tired my legs were, but also the urge to finish.  Running down Burma Road was so hard on the quads. Pound, pound, pound, down I went to the bottom. Finally,  getting to the trail, which in this section was loose rock and very slopped. I took my time to get down to the river trail....ahhh, level ground. I was so tired by then, I just walked, walked all the way till I got to the top of the trail. Another tenth of a mile, I started running to the finish line. My goal was to finish between 6 to 7 hours. 6:48 was my time. Oh my, toughest, craziest  run I have ever done. I admire those runners who do this all the time. I couldn't,  but I am so happy that I set out and accomplish this goal of an ultramarathon and it was one of the toughest to do. This is one of the most satisfying thing I have ever done!  This is my tenth year of running and this was my 31st race. Fitting, 31 miles for my 31st race. Thanks!

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