Monday, January 24, 2011

Getting Better

I've learned a lot these past few weeks about stretching my IT band and it has helped so much. Last week, I got in 49 miles and even ran a 15 miler on Sunday and felt great! Gosh, I'm so happy to be able to run longer distances again. I have lots of plans this year for running and I would be so bummed if I had to stick to 5K's or 10K's for races.

Monday, January 10, 2011

2011 New Year, New problems

Well, my year hasn't started out great. I'm having IT band problems, but thanks to a free "Ask the Expert" at FootZone, I was able to get some help. So, I started stretching out my gluts and it has helped a lot. Now, I have to everyday in order to keep my knee from hurting. But I did get in 26 miles last week, and my pace was pretty good too. Let's hope I can get a good control of this for the year!!