Friday, December 24, 2010

1,500 miles for the year!

Well, I did it!! I got to 1,500 miles by Christmas. My goal was to get to 1,000, but I reached that in October, So I decided to make a new goal of 1,500 miles. I knew it was going to be tough to reach, since I only ran 1,000 miles in 9 and a half months. How can I ran 500 more in 2 and a half? And with all the snow we been having, I thought I wasn't going to make it. But I pushed myself hard to get there and now I did it. I feel pretty happy to reach such a big goal for myself.
Now, my goal for 2011? 2,000 miles!!!
Now for some well deserved rest to get ready for next year!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

December Run

I hit the 1400 mile mark on 12/09!! And as of today (12/13) I have only 83 miles to hit 1500 for the year!! AWESOME!! Looking forward to having the last week of the year off to rest my bones!

Monday, November 29, 2010

November Run

It's been another great month of running! I achieved a couple things. First, I was able to add on to my already year record miles, I went over 1,300 miles for the year!! Dang! I never thought I would run that much! Also, this week I ran another 50+ miles and continued my streak of 50+ to 5 weeks and it's been 11 weeks straight of running 40 or more miles!! This had to be the most challenging week of running I've had! With snow and ice on the ground and low temps. Tuesday morning it was 13 degrees. Brr!
The last 3 month I have been able to run 538 miles!!
3 more weeks on running and then I'm giving my body a well deserved week off!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Did it, Done!

Finished my goal of running 10 or more miles for 30 runs straight! So far, it's been a year of goals. The beginning of the year, I ran 30 days straight, then ran my first 1/2 marathon under 2 hrs-ran a 1:53, and then I wanted to run 1,000 miles this year, so far I'm up to 1,286 miles!! And now this!! Feeling Good!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Still doing 10+ miles

Well, I have been able to continue my streak of running 10+ miles to 27 days now. I'm shooting for 30 runs straight of 10+ miles. Also, I'm looking forward to the last week of the year, because I plan to take that week off to give my bod a well deserved rest.
We'll see if I can last a week of no running. If I can run 50 miles a week for the next 5 weeks, I will end the year with close to 1,500 miles! WOW!! That would be awesome!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Just running!!

I just realized today that I have ran 10+ miles for 21 runs straight!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

First cold day

Today's a reminder of the cold to come. It was 28 degrees this morning on my run, looks like this rest of the week will be as cold or colder with possibly of some snow. Time to find the Yaktrax again.
As of today, I have ran 1,179 miles this year, maybe I can reach 1,500 miles!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

October Run 2

I ended running 230 miles in the month of October. Most ever in a month!! I'm up to 1120 for the year, with hard work and good weather maybe I can reach 1500 miles for the year!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October Running

Well, October has been a month of first for me! First, I got to 1,000 miles of running goal for the year almost 3 months early, then I have ran more them 10+ miles for now 12 times in a row and counting! And with my 14 mile run yesterday, I have ran for 200 mile in a month for the first time!!
My body is holding up pretty good and hope it will continue to. I have big plans for next year!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Miles Are Adding Up!!

Well, Last week I ran other 40+ miles for the 5th week in a row and Sunday I ran 10+ miles for the 6th time in a row!! I've ran 220+ miles in the last 5 weeks! Damn, that's more than I ever done in that time period. I'm feeling pretty good about my progress of upping my miles, but now I think I need to start increasing the length of my runs. I would like to start getting in a 20+ miler at least once a week. This would mean to lowering my days of running to prep my body for the long runs.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

1,000 miles!

Feeling pretty good today! I hit my goal of 1,000 miles for the year 2 1/2 months early!! After 3 1/2 years of running I'm glad I still love it and still look to improve every year!! I remember my first 5K, I wanted to get under 30 minutes. I ran a 29:13. Now, just running, I run a 5K in sub 25 minutes. I hope I can do this for the rest of my life, just hope the joints don't let me down. So far, so good!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

50+ mile week!!

Wow! What a week of running! I got in 3 double digit runs and 2 of them were back to back! And as far as I know, I ran for 50+ miles for the first time last week!! Feeling pretty good, those 3 to 6 mile runs don't seem to be enough these days. So I might have to run few days with longer runs. Ultramarathon here I come!! :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Running Year for 2011

Well, first it's been a good year for my running so far. I ran my first half marathon and got within my goal time, and the last few weeks I have been getting about 40+ miles a week and feeling great! As of today I have 61 miles to reach my goal of 1,000 miles this year!! I think I will reach it by the end of this month!! Maybe 1,200 miles will be the goal by the end of the year!!
But!! Next year will be my biggest year of running yet! I plan to run 2 marathons, 1 half marathon and hopefully get on a team to run the Cascade Lake Relay. And of course do the Jingle Bell 5K run in December, 2010 and 2011.
And I'm still working on details to run from Burns, Or to Bend, Or. 130 miles in 3 days!! Hopefully in fall of 2011!!
I guess I won't have much time to hike next year!! And I might need to get some new shoes!! :)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Awesome month

It's been a awesome month of running!! I got in 150 miles of running in this month and now I'm only about 140 miles away from my goal of 1,000 miles this year!! And I got 3 months to go!!! SWEET!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Picking up the miles!

Well, after weeks of taking it easy, because of my ankle injury, I have picked up the miles in the last couple weeks. The last 2 weeks I have ran 40+ miles per week and I'm feeling great!! Also, I have about 157 miles to reach my goal of 1,000 miles for the year and I have 3 month left to go!! SWEET!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Finally after a month of recovery and ice, my ankle is back to normal. Well, almost, I'll say it 95%. Just ran 10 miles and felt great! Time to start picking up the miles to get my 1,000 miles in for the year!!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Pine Cone Got Me

On 7/28, I went running at 4:30am in the dark with a headlamp. It was a great morning to running, but just over a mile into my run, I rolled my ankle on a pine cone and was forced to stop running and walk home. =( This has the first time in 3 years of running that I haven't ran for over a week. 8/6-Ankle is healing fine, in fact if I wasn't hiking on Saturday, I would be running. I have been doing ice baths everyday and taping it for support.
Saturday, I'm climbing Middle Sisters, so it will be a good test to see how my ankle is doing!! I sure hope I don't mess it up!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cool Runner

I'm finding out that I run better in cooler weather. I ran yesterday in 80 degree heat and felt tired and slow. I think most people do run better in cooler weather.
I ran this morning, it was about 45 degrees and ran much better. Felt good! Felt like I could run for hours!! The only hard thing is getting up at 4:30am to run before I go to work!! :)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pacific Crest Half Marathon 6-26-2010

Well, First, I had a good overall run. Left knee ached a little about mile 8, but no ankle pain. I never stopped running. I was hoping for a time between 1:45 to 2 hours, and I ran 1:53:42. It was the biggest race I have been in, about 1400 runners!! It was hard in the beginning to not run over someone or get run over! After mile 2, things got better!
I'm realizing, I'm not much of a distance runner. I can't push myself for the whole distance. I didn't start pushing it till mile 10, then at mile 12, I really pushed. I think I could have pushed harder sooner for a better time, but I was worried about pushing too soon. But this was my first half marathon and if I do more, I will learn how and when to push!
I liked them way more than the marathons!! So, I will be doing more of them, for sure!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

It's been a longtime from my last post

Well, it's beena longtime since my last post. On May 2nd, I ran my 12th running race since I started running, it was a 10K. It was my 5th 10k and ended up being my fastest ever, with a time of 49:44. I was hoping for under 50 minutes and I got it! =)
Now, I'm training for my first half marathon, which will be on June 26th in Sunriver, Oregon at the Pacific Crest. This is where I ran my first and only marathon last year. And my first race ever, the 5k in 2007. My goal is to be under 2 hours, but I'm really going to push for under hour fifty minutes.
I ran 13.84 miles for 2 hours on Saturday (5/29), so I feel pretty good of reaching ny goal. Now, it's time to better it!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Get ready to run!!

Well, I signed up for 2 races this past week. One will be on May 1st, my birthday. This one is a 10K run here in Bend. The other race is my first half marathon in June.
So, I will be training for both in the coming weeks.
I have been running pretty regularly in the past week. And adding some speed work as well.
I'm pretty excited about these races! I've ran the 10k run before a couple years ago and it's a hard one. A third of is a pretty good hill that about killed me. So I will be ready this time!! The half will be on a familiar path, it's the same one I ran the marathon on last year, but this time I only need to run one lap.
Till next time! Happy running!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wicked Wind Run 3/11

Well, its been a week since I last posted a blog. It's been a good week of running, got 34 miles in last week and 16 in so far this week. I had to fast last night for some blood work this morning for new life insurance policy, but still felt good running today.
Watched a show last night that said it's better to run later in the day, because your blood is thicker in the morning and could cause your blood pressure to go up. So, I'm going to try and run later in the day for awhile to see if my blood pressure goes down, It's not bad, but I thought it should be lower for the amount of running I do. We'll see.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Had a good run this morning of 4 miles. I ran 7.1 miles yesterday. I have a little head cold, but doesn't seem to bother me much while I'm running, in fact I feel better just after running. Going hike at Shevlin Park this afternoon, its about a 5 mile hike along Tumalo Creek. The weather today and tomorrow is suppose to be awesome. Clear skies and highs in the upper 50's!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


18th day in a row of running! 2nd day of running with my new shoes, I always try to run a few low mile days with them before getting some long miles in. Ran in Shevlin Park yesterday for the first time. Was pretty cool, weather wise, but a good run. Ran on the road up hill and on the trail coming back. Will be back there again soon. I should take a rest day soon, so I don't get hurt or something, but feeling good.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Had to run today to get my fix. Ran for 20 minutes, 2.43 miles. My 14th day straight of running. It's getting harder not to run, than it is to run. I've only not run 2 days so far this year, if I keep this up, I will have no problem getting to 300 days of running this year. One of my goals.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Had a good run today. Ran the from home to the Larkspur trail to Pilot Butte and back. 7.01 miles, 1 hour and 02 second. Beautiful day too, weather was in the upper 40's and partly cloudy with light winds. Might take a rest day tomorrow, but we'll see. The weather is so nice, it's hard to take arest day.


My first blog, just to say I created this for people who wanted to keep up with my running adventures.